Komplek Golden Centrum, Jl. Majapahit No. 26 Blok S&T, Kelurahan Petojo Selatan, Kecamatan Gambir, Kota Jakarta Pusat 10160
(021) 630 4945 (hunting) / 630 4953
(021) 630 4946
Aerobic Gymnastics held by PT. Bintai Kindenko Engineering Indonesia, is one of a series of 2019 National K3 Month activities. Nationally, the commemoration of the National Occupational Safety and Health Month (K3) is commemorated every January 12 to February 12.
This aerobic exercise itself will be held regularly every 2 weeks by PT. Bintai Kindenko Engineering is located at HO. With this aerobic exercise, it is expected to have a positive impact on the progress of K3 at PT. Bintai Kindenko Engineering to improve the quality of life of employees towards a community that is safe, healthy and productive.